Salma Yaqoob (Respect Renewal-Sparkbrook) has been involved in extreme far right politics for a number of years. She described the 7/7 London bombings as ‘reprisal attacks’ against American aggression. Her response to the police raids in Birmingham, a year ago, ‘ you’ll remember that at the time it was reported that the raids were in connection with a plot to kidnap a British soldier and cut his head off and them place the video on the internet’.
A responsible politician would have taken the opportunity to condemn the attacks. On January 28, 2008 Councillor Yaqoob said ‘speculation over an Iraq style kidnap and execution only served to heighten tensions between the police and Muslim community’.*
Ms Yaqoob said’ The reality is that people are asking why are we being picked on, why are we being persecuted because that is what it feels like when all they want to do is get on with their day to day lives.
The reason people are so fed up and cynical of the whole process is because the raids are so high profile. The area was full of reporters and television crews yesterday, but they will disappear quickly and when charges are dropped they’ll be nowhere to be seen. That said, I think there would be a huge public outcry if these latest raids fall to turn up anything that results in a successful prosecution ‘Well, the raids have today resulted in a guilty plea and a conviction for a really appalling crime’. In the end they pleaded guilty to the plot earlier in February this year, the so called Anti-Labour Respect Renewal-Sparkbrook Ms Yaqoob** telling British Muslims to vote Labour.
Let us make clear that any Uncle Toms who vote Labour has the blood of a million dead Iraqis on their conscience if they have one. Ms Yaqoob is a BBC favourite, and repeatedly invited on programmes like Question Time where she is presented as a serious politician. In reality she is a marginal politician, let us hope that we hear a lot less of Ms Yaqoob in the future.
*’During the trial transcript were read out in one, Khan spoke to another man Ahmad Mahmood-and laid out the plan. Of filming the beheading and sending a video tape to the television channel Al-Jazeera.’ See Eye Spy Volume VII No: 6, 2008 p.65.
** Councillor Yaqoob isn’t attending vital Public Protection Committee meeting in 2007. She is also sits on the Audit Committee, in 2007 she bothered to turn up to one meeting Ms Yacoob fancy standing in front TV cameras. (See Sparkbrook News March 2008).
She come to fame when she out of the blue became a candidate to become an member of Parliament, which she lost and for a few years no-body saw or heard of Salma until suddenly the Respect party was formed by the ousted Labour MP George Galloway Salma targeted Sparkbrook Ward knowing this Ward has a large percentage of Muslims, so she could capitalise on ‘the Iraq sympathy vote , and the other reasons that Salma knows in a Word with large village and clan she can bring the village politics to Sbarkbrook!
Especially this policy can work keeping in mined it will go down well with the hijab wearing women of the Gulgushti clan who is moor than happy to Salma wearing a hijab claiming to be a good Muslims .
Salma hardly answer her phone hardly attends her surgeries, instead her representative is there, not been able to solve any issues instead enjoying the company of her FREEMASON RACIST Dick Atkinson who refer to her as our minister! If you feel used, this is Salma says one thing do another has been her legacy to date. For more in Salma read NOVA Jan-Feb 2008 Shalom Miss Yaakov, and Miss Yaakov Big Lies

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