
Twenty years after his death, Gary Webb’s truth is still dangerous

Twenty years after his death, Gary Webb’s truth is still dangerous

Posted by: John Phoenix Systematic media lies destroyed the career of an honest journalist who committed the heinous crime of telling the truth. The truth about the activities of the CIA and other western intelligence agencies is often stranger and more horrifying than the darkest works of dystopian fiction. Despite the wealth of irrefutable evidence of covert experimentation on human subjects throughout the modern era, corporate media and politicians still stick to the line that this is all just the wild imaginings of the dissatisfied and uneducated. This article is reproduced from Scheer Post with thanks. ***** Twenty years ago, on 10 December 2004, former San Jose Mercury News investigative reporter Gary Webb died by apparent suicide, following a stre...
UN Experts Urge US Senate to Reject ICC Sanctions Bill Passed by House

UN Experts Urge US Senate to Reject ICC Sanctions Bill Passed by House

Incoming Senate Majority Leader John Thune (R-S.D.) speaks to reporters in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. on December 17, 2025.  (Photo: Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images) "It is shocking to see a country that considers itself a champion of the rule of law trying to stymie the actions of an independent and impartial tribunal set up by the international community, to thwart accountability." Brett Wilkins Four independent United Nations experts on Friday urged United States senators to oppose legislation passed earlier this week in the House of Representatives that would sanction members of the International Criminal Court after the tribunal issued arrest warrants for Israeli leaders for alleged crimes against humanity in Gaza. H.R. 23, the Illegit...
The Counter Narrative to US Foreign Policy by Establishment Defectors

The Counter Narrative to US Foreign Policy by Establishment Defectors

Posted by: John Phoenix Global Research, December 18, 2024 Publications such as The New York Times, Washington Post, etc. have all but banished criticisms of US foreign policy from their pages. The only acceptable viewpoint seems to be that Putin is a ruthless dictator, the Russian invasion of Ukraine was entirely unprovoked, and Putin will invade other European countries if he is not stopped in Ukraine. As for the conflict in the Middle East, the mainstream media again lines up obediently behind the US government: Hamas’s October 7 attack was unprovoked, Israel is a democracy, Israel is not committing genocide in Gaza, and its military actions in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, and Iran are required for self-defense. The few criticisms that are allowed to appear are tepid and unconvi...
Naziyahu Holds Middle Finger In The Face Of The U.S. And the Entire World

Naziyahu Holds Middle Finger In The Face Of The U.S. And the Entire World

Since its inception in 1948, the Zionist State of Israel has been a country without accountability. While Israel loves to portray itself as the forever victim, the truth is, since May 14, 1948 (and even before), the Zionist state has been one of the most monstrous terror states in the entire world. Over 5 million Palestinians have been murdered by Israel since 1948 (why isn’t THAT a Holocaust?), and millions more have been subjected to the worst kind of inhumanity: rape, pillage, plunder, land theft, kidnapping, beating, torture, imprisonment, dismemberment, family separation, child mutilation—the list is endless.Even when Israel attacked an American Naval vessel, the USS Liberty, in an overt attempt to sink the ship to the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, killing 34 American Sailors ...
Justifying Collective Punishment: Nazi’s Assault on Gaza

Justifying Collective Punishment: Nazi’s Assault on Gaza

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark Global Research, “Erroneous doctrines are current in the world, which declare a man culpable and responsible merely because he is a member or part of a determined country, without taking the trouble to seek or examine whether on his part there has been any personal sin of deed or omission.” —Pope Pius XII, New York Times, Feb 21, 1946. For anyone concerned about the moderating restraint international law is meant to offer, especially when it comes to the use of force by states, Israel’s approach against the imprisoned populace of Gaza is bound to cause profound despair and lingering disgust. Since the brutal and for Israel’s security apparatus, unnerving attack by Hamas on October 7, the Israeli State has been busy laying the patchwork for ...
Tolstoy’s Speech Against War: “Thou shalt not kill!”

Tolstoy’s Speech Against War: “Thou shalt not kill!”

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel Global Research, ds=onPlusOne%2C_ready%2C_close%2C_open%2C_resizeMe%2C_renderstart%2Concircled%2Cdrefresh%2Cerefresh&id=I0_1709932514341&_gfid=I0_1709932514341& Introduction In 1909, the Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Count Tolstoy (1828-1910), a representative of non-violent resistance, gave a speech against war at the age of 80 (1). As this speech is still highly topical today, at the turn of the year 2023/2024 – including the deliberate reduction of the world’s population through the COVID mRNA vaccine – some of the speeches are reproduced verbatim below. They all revolve around the clear, universally recognised truth, which is binding for al...
Africa in Review 2023: BRICS and The Emerging Global Reconfiguration

Africa in Review 2023: BRICS and The Emerging Global Reconfiguration

Part II: International alliances independent of United States and NATO hegemony are seeking to reverse a pattern of western domination By Abayomi Azikiwe Global Research, id=I0_1709932036958&_gfid=I0_1709932036958& All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to re...
Middle East: Arsonists Shout “Fire”. Naziyahu’s Insidious “Prerequisite for Peace”

Middle East: Arsonists Shout “Fire”. Naziyahu’s Insidious “Prerequisite for Peace”

By Manlio Dinucci Global Research, methods=onPlusOne%2C_ready%2C_close%2C_open%2C_resizeMe%2C_renderstart%2Concircled%2Cdrefresh%2Cerefresh&id=I0_1709931561272&_gfid=I0_1709931561272& All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global R...
Anti-Arab and Islamophobic hate crimes on the rise in the US amidst Nazi Holocaust Gaza
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, Uncategorized, United Kingdom, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Anti-Arab and Islamophobic hate crimes on the rise in the US amidst Nazi Holocaust Gaza

Anti-Arab and Islamophobic hate crimes on the rise in the US amidst Israel’s war on Gaza Across the United States, Arabs, Palestinians, and Muslims are experiencing a rise in racist attacks, fueled by mainstream rhetoric by Peoples Dispatch Three Palestinian students were shot in a hate crime in Vermont on Saturday (Photo: Institute for Middle East Understanding) This Saturday, three young Palestinian men, ​​Hisham Awartani, Tahseen Ali, and Kenan Abdulhamid were shot in Vermont. The three men, all college students, were shot at four times by 48-year-old Jason J. Eaton. They were speaking Arabic and two of them were wearing Palestinian keffiyehs. All three of the shooting victims are 20 years old.  This comes shortly after three separate videos went viral of former...
Naziyahu sends a message to Ab-A$$ and threatens him
Palestine Affairs, Uncategorized, ZIO-NAZI

Naziyahu sends a message to Ab-A$$ and threatens him

Naziyahu said through his account on the “X” platform (formerly Twitter): “As long as I am the Prime Minister of Israel, this will not happen (Abbas ruling Gaza).” He added in response to what was revealed by the “Sky News” network about Ab-A$$ willingness to bear the responsibility of ruling Gaza: “Those Those who raise their children on terrorism, finance terrorism, and support the families of terrorists will not be able to rule Gaza after eliminating Hamas,” he claimed. The American and Nazi proposals come based on the assumption that the genocidal war declared on the Gaza Strip will be able to eliminate the Hamas movement, at a time when the Nazi occupation army is suffering heavy losses at the hands of the resistance, which continues to confront the continuous aggression fo...