
The role of the IMF impoverishing countries – the case of Argentina

The role of the IMF impoverishing countries – the case of Argentina

Posted by: John Phoenix The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded at the Bretton Woods conference in July 1944.  This financial agency presents an image of itself as a democratic organisation that works “to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity for all of its 190 member countries… by supporting economic policies that promote financial stability and monetary cooperation”. Nothing could be further from reality; not only is the IMF not a democratic organisation but, as this article will show, the policies that it supports favour only those countries that manage the institution.  The decisions of the IMF are related to the ownership of SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) which, by reflecting the relative position of the country in the world economy, determines th...
The role of the IMF impoverishing countries – the case of Argentina

The role of the IMF impoverishing countries – the case of Argentina

Posted by: John Phoenix The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded at the Bretton Woods conference in July 1944.  This financial agency presents an image of itself as a democratic organisation that works “to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity for all of its 190 member countries… by supporting economic policies that promote financial stability and monetary cooperation”. Nothing could be further from reality; not only is the IMF not a democratic organisation but, as this article will show, the policies that it supports favour only those countries that manage the institution.  The decisions of the IMF are related to the ownership of SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) which, by reflecting the relative position of the country in the world economy, determines th...
Milei launches massive attack on press freedom and shuts down national news agency Télam

Milei launches massive attack on press freedom and shuts down national news agency Télam

The news agency building woke up with its building fenced off and with its website under “reconstruction.” The workers are mobilizing in responseMarch 04, 2024 by ARG Medios Télam workers at a protest. "Defending public media is defending national sovereignty". On the morning of March 4, the website of the national news agency, Télam, was shut down and inaccessible to workers with a notice that indicated “page under reconstruction.” The offices of Télam were also fenced off and with a security operation to ensure that no one is able to enter. The move came days after Argentine President Javier Milei announced it during his speech for the opening of ordinary sessions of the National Congress on March 1. In the speech Milei gave last Friday, he assured ...
Debt Colonization by IMF and World Bank: Sri Lanka Should Take Lessons from Argentina
Argentina, Sri Lanka

Debt Colonization by IMF and World Bank: Sri Lanka Should Take Lessons from Argentina

By Shenali D Waduge Global Research, US-India regime change in Sri Lanka in 2015 & multinational corporations promoting Mauricio Macri as President of Argentina also in 2015 have similarities. IMF/WB began playing key roles after the regime change. IMF & World Bank have a history of turning poor Global South nations into LOAN ADDICTS & then saddling them with DEBT. Loans debts are a new form of colonization. More loans are given to repay loans as well as to survive which only adds to the spiraling debt. Spiralling debt means the need to secure more loans & this impedes any programs for self-sufficiency. Self-sufficiency is curtailed by getting developing nations to accept IMF neo-liberal free market models as ‘their solution’ to ‘restoring...
Victory of Javier Milei reveals the failure of Argentina’s popular forces

Victory of Javier Milei reveals the failure of Argentina’s popular forces

How could a candidate with such an overtly anti-worker programme be elected by workers in dire economic straits? In the recent election in Argentina (19 November 2023), Javier Milei, a fascist in politics and ultraliberal in economics became president of the country. Milei, who was the candidate of the far-right ‘Libertad Avanza’ coalition, won the presidential run-off by a convincing margin, scoring 56 percent as opposed to the 44 percent of votes cast for Sergio Massa, candidate for the ruling party’s ‘Unión por la Patria’ coalition. Around the world, many will wonder how it is possible that a candidate who campaigned on a promise of eliminating workers’ rights under the slogan “Where there is a need there is no right”, and who pledged besides to introduce tuition fees for...
Victory of Javier Milei reveals the failure of Argentina’s popular forces

Victory of Javier Milei reveals the failure of Argentina’s popular forces

How could a candidate with such an overtly anti-worker programme be elected by workers in dire economic straits? In the recent election in Argentina (19 November 2023), Javier Milei, a fascist in politics and ultraliberal in economics became president of the country. Milei, who was the candidate of the far-right ‘Libertad Avanza’ coalition, won the presidential run-off by a convincing margin, scoring 56 percent as opposed to the 44 percent of votes cast for Sergio Massa, candidate for the ruling party’s ‘Unión por la Patria’ coalition. Around the world, many will wonder how it is possible that a candidate who campaigned on a promise of eliminating workers’ rights under the slogan “Where there is a need there is no right”, and who pledged besides to introduce tuition fees for...
Victory of Javier Milei reveals the failure of Argentina’s popular forces

Victory of Javier Milei reveals the failure of Argentina’s popular forces

How could a candidate with such an overtly anti-worker programme be elected by workers in dire economic straits? Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The Peronist party had good intentions it could not fulfil, as a result of which the electorate has chosen hell. In the recent election in Argentina (19 November 2023), Javier Milei, a fascist in politics and ultraliberal in economics became president of the country. Milei, who was the candidate of the far-right ‘Libertad Avanza’ coalition, won the presidential run-off by a convincing margin, scoring 56 percent as opposed to the 44 percent of votes cast for Sergio Massa, candidate for the ruling party’s ‘Unión por la Patria’ coalition. Aroun...
Lawfare in Latin America: the case of Argentina’s Cristina Kirchner

Lawfare in Latin America: the case of Argentina’s Cristina Kirchner

Corruption of a nominally-independent country’s justice system is a major tool in the arsenal of imperialist control. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel In order to control Latin America’s abundant resources, US imperialism needs corrupt politicians ready to serve its interests. The removal of progressive leaders from the political arena via ‘lawfare’ is one of its tried and tested methods, but the case of Brazil’s Lula shows clearly that the people will always have the last word. Ten days after the murder attempt against Argentinean vice-president C...
Lawfare in Latin America: the case of Argentina’s Cristina Kirchner

Lawfare in Latin America: the case of Argentina’s Cristina Kirchner

Corruption of a nominally-independent country’s justice system is a major tool in the arsenal of imperialist control. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel In order to control Latin America’s abundant resources, US imperialism needs corrupt politicians ready to serve its interests. The removal of progressive leaders from the political arena via ‘lawfare’ is one of its tried and tested methods, but the case of Brazil’s Lula shows clearly that the people will always have the last word. Ten days after the murder attempt against Argentinean vice-president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (CFK), the Clarin newspaper, owned by the country’s largest media conglomerate, wrote an article headlined: ‘Cristina, entre la bala que no salió y el...
What is behind the attempted murder of the Vice-president of Argentina?

What is behind the attempted murder of the Vice-president of Argentina?

In the evening of the 1 September, TV viewers in Argentina were horrified by a scene in which a weapon was pointed at the vice-president of the country, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK), and triggered pointing at her face. Although later it was confirmed that the gun was loaded and ready to fire, the bullet failed to fire which was considered a ‘miracle’. In a matter of minutes, the news spread all over the world and condemnation of the assassination attempt and solidarity with Mrs Fernández de Kirchner was expressed by leaders across the globe but there was absolute silence from right-wing politicians in the country. Since then, the very slow investigation has concentrated its efforts on the individual perpetrators and some Nazi-fascist groups that had demonstrated agai...