
Greek dockworkers block ammunition shipment to the Nazi entity
Greece, ZIO-NAZI

Greek dockworkers block ammunition shipment to the Nazi entity

Posted by: John Phoenix On 17 October a group of dock workers and union members at the Port of Piraeus stopped a container filled with bullets bound for Israel from being loaded onto a vessel. The action, led by the ENEDEP union and supported by other groups, was a stand against arms shipments fuelling the Nazi Holocaust on Gaza. Dockworkers in Greece have blocked the shipment of a container, reportedly holding 21 tons of ammunition, destined for the Nazi entity, refusing to load the cargo onto a vessel at the Port of Piraeus.  Having found out that a container on a lorry had tonnes of bullets to be loaded onto a ship headed to Haifa, dozens of workers gathered at the gate of Piraeus and stopped the vehicle on a public road leading to the port. The container, reportedl...
Humanitarian aid: Voluntary migration scheme
Gaza, Greece, Holocaust, Human Rights, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Humanitarian aid: Voluntary migration scheme

Humanitarian aid and Israel’s ‘voluntary migration’ scheme By Ramona Wadi | MEMO  Greek Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis said earlier this week that, “We have offered ourselves to host injured people from Palestine but also children from Palestine to come to Europe and stay here until the war is over.” Israel would be thrilled at such an idea, for sure. “Voluntary migration” in the guise of humanitarian aid could not get any better for Israel’s colonial expansion plans. In October last year, Gerapetritis declared his government’s pro-Israel stance: “Greece, from the very first moment, supported the right of Israel to defend itself in line with international law.” No such right exists for an occupation state against the people living under its brutal military occupat...
Athens declaration: The world is entering a new era of anti-imperialist struggle

Athens declaration: The world is entering a new era of anti-imperialist struggle

The following declaration was agreed by parties that attended the fifth international conference of the World Anti-imperialist Platform, held in Athens on 18 November 2023. ***** Understanding: That we are emerging from the period of deep reaction that followed the capitalist restoration in the Soviet Union and east European socialist bloc, when the strength of the capitalist-imperialist system seemed overwhelming and the forces of national liberation and socialism were in retreat. That as a result of this shift in the balance of forces, the remaining socialist and anti-imperialist countries and movements became isolated and exposed and were forced to make difficult compromises in order to survive (developing the tourism industry in Cuba, signing the nuclear agreement ...
Greeks protest docking of US warship
Greece, USA

Greeks protest docking of US warship

The USS Gerald Ford is docked at the Souda Port in Chania, which serves as a prominent naval base for the United States and its NATO allies in the eastern Mediterranean. by Peoples Dispatch Photo: On Thursday, December 28, anti-imperialists in Greece protested the docking of the US Navy’s aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford at the Souda Port in Chania. The mobilization, called by the  Peace Committee and labor unions in Chania, saw participation from activists of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), the Greek Committee for International Détente and Peace (EEDYE), the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE), and All Workers Militant Front (PAME), among others. Activists held a banner that read  “There is no place here for murderers! US and NATO sol...
Athens declaration: The world is entering a new era of anti-imperialist struggle

Athens declaration: The world is entering a new era of anti-imperialist struggle

The following declaration was agreed by parties that attended the fifth international conference of the World Anti-imperialist Platform, held in Athens on 18 November 2023. ***** Understanding: That we are emerging from the period of deep reaction that followed the capitalist restoration in the Soviet Union and east European socialist bloc, when the strength of the capitalist-imperialist system seemed overwhelming and the forces of national liberation and socialism were in retreat. That as a result of this shift in the balance of forces, the remaining socialist and anti-imperialist countries and movements became isolated and exposed and were forced to make difficult compromises in order to survive (developing the tourism industry in Cuba, signing the nuclear agreement ...
Thessalia tragedy. Greece in NATO and Zionist crosshairs

Thessalia tragedy. Greece in NATO and Zionist crosshairs

The Thessalia plains floods are a catastrophe of biblical proportions - deliberate or 'climate change'? VANESSA BEELEY Thessalia floods in Greece. Barely reported by legacy media. Why? We have covered the fires in Greece that serve NATO expansion and the installation of wind farms to provide energy for the EU. Now, we have the devastating floods in Thessalia north of Athens which is one of the three main bread baskets of Greece, now reduced to a sea of pollution, livestock carcasses and dead fish:
Statement of the Anti-Imperialist Platform: How the KKE uses Marxist terminology to cover its retreat from Marxism

Statement of the Anti-Imperialist Platform: How the KKE uses Marxist terminology to cover its retreat from Marxism

The party of the Greek revolution has objectively transformed itself into an agent of imperialism, both nationally and internationally (1). On the basis of a Marxist analysis of the rapidly escalating imperialist war drive, anti-imperialists of the communist movement came together last year to form the World Anti-imperialist Platform. This was done in order to apply our energies to what has been identified as the most pressing priority facing our movement at this moment: to rally the widest possible forces in support of the struggle against the US-led imperialist bloc – a struggle which has the potential to unleash the next, decisive wave of socialist revolutions if correctly approached. Launched in Paris last year, the Platform’s founding statement outlines the tasks that w...
The Greek Shipwreck Oracle: a Horrible Accident at Sea or the Inevitable Function of Militarized Borders?

The Greek Shipwreck Oracle: a Horrible Accident at Sea or the Inevitable Function of Militarized Borders?

BY TODD MILLER An Italian Coast Guard boat on the island of Samos, Greece. The light in the background is from the new “controlled access center,” aka refugee camp on the island. Photo: Lauren Markham. In the early morning on June 14, 47 nautical miles from the coast of Pylos, Greece, a fishing boat packed with about 700 passengers sank into the water. The boat carried people from Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, and Palestine, many who were asylum seekers. One hundred and four of them have been rescued, leaving the anticipated death toll near a staggering 600, which would make this one of the deadliest tragedies ever recorded in the Mediterranean. In the following conversation, Lauren Markham, author of The Far Away Brothers: Two Young Migrants and th...
After Brutal Assault, Yanis Varoufakis Urges Progressives to Focus on ‘What Really Matters’

After Brutal Assault, Yanis Varoufakis Urges Progressives to Focus on ‘What Really Matters’

Former Greek Finance Minister and MeRA25 party leader Yanis Varoufakis speaks to the media in Athens on March 14, 2023.  (Photo: Dimitris Kapantais/SOOC/AFP via Getty Images) "I will recover," the Greek leftist said. "But those 57 from the train accident in Tempi won't, and their families' pain cannot be treated." BRETT WILKINS Recovering from a brutal assault that left him with a broken nose and cheekbone, leftist Greek lawmaker Yanis Varoufakis on Tuesday urged progressives "not get distracted" from the railway accident that killed 57 people last month or the neoliberal "privatize everything doctrine" he blames for the disaster. Appearing on ANT1's "Kallimera Ellada" (Good Morning, Greece) on Tuesday, Varoufakis—the parliamentary leader of the left-wing MeRA25 pa...
Athens conference: anti-imperialist unity in the Balkans is pivotal for all of Europe

Athens conference: anti-imperialist unity in the Balkans is pivotal for all of Europe

Only by standing together can workers and oppressed peoples find the strength to defeat Nato’s bestial neo-nazi war machine. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel With ongoing provocations in Serbia and the endless flood of armaments into (and often back out of) Ukraine, socialists and anti-imperialists in the Balkans are aware of the urgent need to take unified action to defend their peoples and to halt the war machine in its tracks. The following message was sent by the organisers of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform to a meeting of anti-imperialists from the Balkans region that took place in Athens on Friday 27 January. ***** It is with great pleasure that we greet comrades from the Balkans who are meeting in Athens to...