
Nicaragua joins South Africa at the ICJ in support of Palestine
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Nicaragua, Palestine Affairs, USA, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nicaragua joins South Africa at the ICJ in support of Palestine

Posted by: John Phoenix The way that different countries have responded to the ongoing genocide in Gaza says everything about which interests their governments really represent. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel The anti-imperialist solidarity between the revolutionaries and national-liberation movements of Nicaragua and Palestine is not new, but it is testament to the principled leadership of the Sandinistas that Nicaragua is willing to put itself forward against zionism on the world stage, knowing full well that this will bring the opprobrium of international finance capital down on its head. While Yemen has been the first state actor to deliver full practical solidarity with the Palestinian struggle, and South Africa was the first to have recou...
Nicaragua, climate crisis and capitalism

Nicaragua, climate crisis and capitalism

In a recent webinar addressed by Ambassador Valdrack Jaentschke, who led the Nicaragua government delegation to the 2023 United Nations climate change conference in Dubai, more commonly known as Cop28, the ambassador explained how Nicaragua is combating climate change, both at home through its renewable energy and other programmes, and in the international arena through cooperation and by the power of its example in implementing policies that demonstrate a real concern for the earth (in contrast to imperialist greenwashing). He began by recalling the Paris climate conference of 2015. While Nicaragua upheld the position that the capitalist economic system is at the root of our environmental problems at that meeting, the majority of participants and all the meeting’s outcomes sim...
Nicaragua joins South Africa at the ICJ in support of Palestine
Africa, Nicaragua, South Africa

Nicaragua joins South Africa at the ICJ in support of Palestine

The way that different countries have responded to the ongoing genocide in Gaza says everything about which interests their governments really represent. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel The anti-imperialist solidarity between the revolutionaries and national-liberation movements of Nicaragua and Palestine is not new, but it is testament to the principled leadership of the Sandinistas that Nicaragua is willing to put itself forward against zionism on the world stage, knowing full well that this will bring the opprobrium of international finance capital down on its head. While Yemen has been the first state actor to deliver full practical solidarity with the Palestinian struggle, and South Africa was the first to have recourse to international l...
Nicaragua, climate crisis and capitalism

Nicaragua, climate crisis and capitalism

In a recent webinar addressed by Ambassador Valdrack Jaentschke, who led the Nicaragua government delegation to the 2023 United Nations climate change conference in Dubai, more commonly known as Cop28, the ambassador explained how Nicaragua is combating climate change, both at home through its renewable energy and other programmes, and in the international arena through cooperation and by the power of its example in implementing policies that demonstrate a real concern for the earth (in contrast to imperialist greenwashing). He began by recalling the Paris climate conference of 2015. While Nicaragua upheld the position that the capitalist economic system is at the root of our environmental problems at that meeting, the majority of participants and all the meeting’s outcomes sim...
Iran/Contra pt 4 WACL 2
C.I.A, Iran, Nicaragua

Iran/Contra pt 4 WACL 2

   Beyond Iran/Contra Part 4 World War WACL    With a special thanks to @arrghshell of    In my last article in this series I traced the multiple origins of The World Anti-Communist League or WACL from British master spy Sidney Reilly's Anti-Bolshevik League, The largely unknown promethean league, and finally Hitlers Anti-Comintern Pact which absorbed both it's predecessors. I should also have mentioned Hitler's Committee of Subjugated Nations which was the precursor to the ABN branch of WACL. All were absorbed by western intelligence agencies recruited as allies to wage Covert and psychological warfare on the Soviet Union.  In Asia the US installed rightwing dictatorships in Taiwan, South Korea, South Vietnam, and other countr...
Iran/Contra pt. 3 WACL
C.I.A, Iran, Nicaragua

Iran/Contra pt. 3 WACL

   Beyond Iran Contra part 3: The Origins of the World Anti-Communist League  With a Special Thanks to @arrghshell of    On February 28 1986 Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was gunned down in the streets while returning home with his wife after a movie. His killers were never brought to justice. Palme was a victim of the World Anti-Communist League or WACL. Palme had defied the American Empire one too many times. First he angered the empire by opposing the war in Vietnam enraging the Nixon administration by marching in solidarity with the North Vietnamese ambassador and in opposition to the genocidal war being waged on the people of Vietnam in the name of stopping the spread of communism. He further angered the empire by his friendly ties to Castro's...
Nicaraguan minister delivers powerful message: the Sandinista revolution lives!

Nicaraguan minister delivers powerful message: the Sandinista revolution lives!

Comrade Valdrack Jaentschke assures a packed British meeting: ‘The FSLN will continue to defend the victorious banner of revolution!’ At this year’s October Revolution celebration organised by the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist), comrade and guest speaker Valdrack Jaentschke, Nicaragua’s Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, delivered a wonderful speech with revolutionary optimism and fervour. We reproduce below a rough transcript of this inspiring address. Thank you very much comrades. More than any governmental position I wish that we are all comrades. Comrades in this struggle (applause). Comrade Ella Rule, president of the Communist Party of Great Britain; Comrades Joti Brar and Nina Kosta, vice-presidents, comrades, militants of the Communist Part...
NicaNotes: Nicaragua’s inconvenient Covid victory: Western media covered up its success
Health, Nicaragua

NicaNotes: Nicaragua’s inconvenient Covid victory: Western media covered up its success

By John Perry [John Perry is based in Masaya, Nicaragua, and writes for the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, London Review of Books, FAIR and other outlets.] (This article was first published on the UnHerd webpage at: Nicaragua’s community-based health teams have ensured that 86% of the population is fully vaccinated [two shots] against Covid, the highest rate in Central America. (Photo: PAHO) In Nicaragua, Latin America’s third poorest country, people who don’t work don’t eat. Three-quarters of jobs are in small businesses and farms or the informal economy. So, when its first Covid case was diagnosed on 18 March 2020, Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega knew that shutting down the economy would be cata...
NicaNotes: Sign-on Letter: Supporting Nicaragua’s Sovereignty, Honoring Its Achievements!

NicaNotes: Sign-on Letter: Supporting Nicaragua’s Sovereignty, Honoring Its Achievements!

December 8, 2022 [Versión en español] Dear friends, We are asking for your help to de-escalate hostility against the people of Nicaragua.  Will you endorse the statement below entitled “SUPPORTING NICARAGUA’S SOVEREIGNTY, HONORING ITS ACHIEVEMENTS,” and forward this message to friends and organizations?  To endorse, just send an email to , providing your full name, your organization (if any), and whether you are signing as an individual or on behalf of your organization. Collection of signatures is ongoing. On November 10, 2022, an online White House statement announced that President Biden had invoked emergency powers on October 24, declaring Nicaragua a continuing “unusual and extraordinary th...
Left Resurgence in Latin America and Tasks Ahead
Cuba, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela

Left Resurgence in Latin America and Tasks Ahead

LATIN AMERICA: LEFT RESURGENCE, FAR RIGHT THREATS Recent developments in Latin America epitomise the global struggle between a resurgent left, and a powerful, internationally linked far-right, between visions of social justice and environmental protection, and a destructive corporate capitalism bent on escalating plunder. The rise to power of left wing political forces in Chile and Colombia, and the hair's-breadth defeat of the fascist Bolsonaro by Lula's Worker's Party in Brazil have been deeply heartening for progressive observers across the world. At the same time, there are many complexities to this picture including the limitations of 'post-neoliberal' welfare measures based on extractivism and high commodity prices, continuing deeply embedded structural racism and exclusion o...