
Japan Begs US Military to Please Stop Their Niggers from Raping Everyone
Japan, USA

Japan Begs US Military to Please Stop Their Niggers from Raping Everyone

Posted by: John Phoenix  January 11, 2025 The truth is, niggers are as Japanese as sushi. At a time when Japan should be celebrating the fact that they are on the verge of a nigger joining the ranks of the samurai with Ubisoft’s new “gay nigger samurai” Assassin’s Creed game, they are instead complaining that the US won’t stop niggers from raping all their women. RT: Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi has urged the American military stationed on Okinawa Island to make changes to prevent further sex crimes, following a fifth sexual assault incident involving a US Marine in just over a year, it was reported on Thursday. The most recent case, in which a serviceman in his 30s was accused of raping a woman, resulting in injury in November. The incident rei...
Will China’s Rise be as Problematic as the Rise of Germany and Japan? What About Jewish Supremacist Power and the Problems of White Submissivism?
China, Germany, Japan, ZIO-NAZI

Will China’s Rise be as Problematic as the Rise of Germany and Japan? What About Jewish Supremacist Power and the Problems of White Submissivism? JUNG-FREUD  Share to Gab Some geopolitical strategists fear that China’s rise in the 21st century will mirror the dramatic rises of Germany and Japan in the late 19th century that came to plague the first half of the 20th century, though for reasons not entirely their own. Perhaps, it’s a misplaced fear. Such assurance may seem counterintuitive because China is so much bigger and more populous than Germany or Japan. Paradoxically, however, China might be less dangerous than Japan and Germany precisely because it is the bigger nation. Being huge in landmass and population, China is more likely to be satisfied with what it has. China surely seeks to expand trade around the world but doesn’t need to conquer or control other nations to be a great po...
Fukushima Up Close, 13 Years Later

Fukushima Up Close, 13 Years Later

BY ROBERT HUNZIKER Fukushima nuclear accident. (2023, October 11). The world is turning to nuclear power as a solution to global warming, but it is postulated herein that it is a huge mistake that endangers society. One nuclear meltdown causes as much damage over the long-term as a major war. Moreover, according to Dr. Paul Dorfman, chair of the Nuclear Consulting Group, former secretary to the UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Internal Radiation: “It’s important to understand that nuclear is very likely to be a significant climate casualty.” Also, of interest: France’s Global Warming Predicament discusses nuclear energy’s vulnerability in a global warming world. Beyond Nuclear International recently published an article about the status of Fukushima as we...
Japan, South Korea

SOUTH KOREA AND JAPAN EMERGE AS KEY BATTLEGROUNDS IN US STRATEGY AGAINST CHINA, FEATURING TIM SHORROCK As China continues rising and the U.S. attempts to dominate the world, Northeast Asia becomes an increasingly crucial battleground. The United States is trying to encircle China with a network of hundreds of military bases while building a trilateral military alliance with South Korea and Japan. But many in those countries want to be free of U.S. domination. Today’s MintCast focuses on Japan and Korea and how deeply the United States has crafted and shaped the internal politics of those nations. Our guest today is Tim Shorrock, a writer and commentator who has covered the region since the 1970s. Growing up in Japan, Tim has covered Korea for The Nation magazine since 1983. His writing can also be found on his personal website, W...
The Japan-ROK-U.S. Summit: Destructive Trilateral Military Alliance. “Expressway to the East-West War”
Japan, USA

The Japan-ROK-U.S. Summit: Destructive Trilateral Military Alliance. “Expressway to the East-West War”

ROK President Yoon's Initiation Party to the Anti-Asia and Pro-West Club By Prof. Joseph H. Chung Global Research, All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. ***  I am writing this paper to warn the world about the destructive impact of the trilateral military alliance that will not only kill South Korean democracy, securi...
Japan’s Insane Immoral, Illegal Radioactive Dumping

Japan’s Insane Immoral, Illegal Radioactive Dumping

BY ROBERT HUNZIKER Image by Yves Alarie. Japan cannot possibly outlive the atrocity of dumping radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. In fact, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) is an example of how nuclear meltdowns negatively impact the entire world, as its toxic wastewater travels across the world in ocean currents. The dumping of stored toxic wastewater from the meltdown in 2011 officially started on August 24th, 2023. Meanwhile, the country restarts some of the nuclear plants that were shut down when the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant exploded. Fukushima’s broken reactors are an example of why nuclear energy is a trap that can’t handle global warming or extreme natural disasters. Nuclear is an accident waiting to happen, for several reasons, including vic...
Is the Release of Radioactive Contaminated Water From the Fukushima Nuclear Site to the Sea Acceptable? Is It Safe?
China, Environment, Japan

Is the Release of Radioactive Contaminated Water From the Fukushima Nuclear Site to the Sea Acceptable? Is It Safe?

BY CHRIS BUSBY Simulated model for dispersal of Cs-137, 81 days after release of water from Fukushima reactors. Source: Geomar. The Japanese government, having apparently run out of storage space for the million tons of radioactively contaminated water have decided to pour it into the sea. This upsets a lot of people, including the governments of China and Korea, who understandably (on a moral level, perhaps) regard this decision as unacceptable. The Japanese (also the entire nuclear industry, plus the International Atomic Energy Agency, and a long list of self-identified experts) collectively say: no problems, the quantities are very small and pose no risk to health, neither to people nor marine life. The water has apparently been treated to remove the radioisotopes that the re...
Revisiting the Bombing of Nagasaki, 78 Years Later
Human Rights, Japan, USA

Revisiting the Bombing of Nagasaki, 78 Years Later

BY JOSHUA FRANK The Nagasaki Prefecture Report on the bombing characterized Nagasaki as “like a graveyard with not a tombstone standing.” Image by Cpl. Lynn P. Walker, Jr. August 9 marks the anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki. The nuclear fuel for the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki was produced at Hanford, in eastern Washington state, which is now the most toxic site in the Western Hemisphere, and the most expensive clean-up in world history. Today the site is laced with billions of gallons of chemical sewage and 56 million gallons of high-level radioactive waste. The following is an excerpt from Atomic Days: The Untold Story of the Most Toxic Place in America, which investigates the Cold War’s toxic legacy and the looming nuclear dangers of the Hanford project. +++...
South Koreans up in arms over Japan’s radioactive plans
Japan, South Korea

South Koreans up in arms over Japan’s radioactive plans

Hundreds of protesters have rallied in Seoul to protest the impending dumping of Fukushima’s wastewater into the ocean South Koreans rally against Japan's plan to dump radioactive wastewater from the Fukushima power plant into the Pacific Ocean, on August 12, 2023. ©  Getty Images / Chung Sung-Jun Mass protests hit central Seoul on Saturday, with South Korean activists rallying against Japan’s plan to release purportedly “treated” radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean. Despite repeated objections by Japan’s neighbors, who are alarmed over potential environmental implications, Tokyo is expected to move forward with the plan as soon as the end of August, according to local media reports. Hundreds of activists g...
Failed Fukushima System Should Cancel Wastewater Ocean Dumping
Environment, Japan

Failed Fukushima System Should Cancel Wastewater Ocean Dumping

BY JOHN LAFORGE Image by Fukushima Central Television. From the Fukushima-Daiichi triple-reactor meltdown wreckage, Japan’s government and “Tepco,” the owner, are rushing plans to pump 1.37 million tons (about 3 billion pounds) of radioactive wastewater into the Pacific. Their record is poor. Their lies are documented. This is not safe, at all. To keep the three meltdowns’ wasted fuel from melting again, Tepco continuously pours cold water over 880 tons of “corium,” the red-hot rubblized fuel amassed somewhere under three devastated reactors. “That water leaks into a maze of basements and trenches beneath the reactors and mixes with groundwater flowing into the complex,” Reuters reported Sep. 3, 2013. Most of this water is collected and put through Tepco’s jer...