
Despite Cyprus President Denial, Small Island Certainly Involved in Nazi Plots against Lebanon
Cyprus, Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Lebanon, Palestine Affairs, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Despite Cyprus President Denial, Small Island Certainly Involved in Nazi Plots against Lebanon

Posted by: John Phoenix Mohammad Salami As the threat made by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah to the Cypriot government on Wednesday has been influencing the political circles, media outlets, and social websites, several questions must be raised and discussed in this regard. Since the start of the ongoing Zionist war on Gaza and the flare up of the supportive fronts in South Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen, Hezbollah concentrated its political and military efforts against the Israeli enemy. Hezbollah even ignored all the local criticism made by certain parties which have never backed the Resistance against the occupation, avoiding responding to all the anti-resistance stances. In any armed conflict, all sides study the battlefield and all t...
Cyprus, United Kingdom, ZIO-NAZI

The 12 Zionist men accused of raping a British girl in Cyprus

The 12 Israeli men accused of gang raping a British girl in Cyprus popped champagne and sang “the Brit is a whore” at Ben Gurion airport as they received a heroes welcome on their return to Israel. The 12 Zionist men accused of raping a British girl in Cyprus popped champagne and sang “the Brit is a whore” at Ben Gurion airport The teenage victim was bullied during a 12 hour interview by Cyprus detectives, without having a solicitor present, who forced her to drop the allegations and then found herself convicted a week ago with inventing the whole thing. She has since been given a suspended sentence and has returned to the UK. This shows the disgusting and corrupt state of affairs in the Cyprus justice system which was pressurised at high level by the Israeli government. T...

The Start of Homelessness in Cyprus

NOVANEWS Revolution of the Mind Series By Andreas C Chrysafis Global Research A Rachman-style landlord has decided to make homeless and evict over 100 of his tenants during the week of last Christmas from his rundown apartment building located in Nicosia. He has given the occupants eight-days notice to vacate the premises and turned off the electricity and water supply as a way of intimidation. Yet, no authority or the police intervened; at least, not until the state television exposed the plight of the distraught tenants! Exposing the quandary of the tenants with no place to go but the streets has outraged the nation. The public was mortified that such practices by some landlords and often pillars of the community is condoned in Cyprus. Shamefully, the local authorities seem to ...
Cyprus, ZIO-NAZI

Risks Posed by Competing Claims to Eastern Mediterranean Oil and Gas Resources

NOVANEWS JONATHAN GORVETT (L-r) Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu shake hands following a Jan. 28, 2016 press conference at the Presidential Palace in Nicosia. The three had met to discuss plans for the EastMed pipeline. (IAKOVOS HATZISTAVROU/AFP/GETTY IMAGES) Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, June/July 2018, pp. 34-35 Special Report By Jonathan Gorvett WHEN ISRAELI PRIME Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke in Nicosia in May of “building a great alliance” between his nation, Cyprus and Greece, he was also quick to praise the “unrivaled network of common interests” that exists among the three states. And if advocates of a giant new project have their way, that network may be about to get a lo...