A statement of the Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan) on the ceasefire in Gaza
Some Key Notes on the Victory of the Palestinian Resistance Movement andthe Imposition of a Ceasefire on the Zionist Occupying Forces
Finally, with the start of the ceasefire and the temporary end of the war, the distinction betweenfriend and enemy has become clearer than ever. What has happened has already been said.Supporters of Palestine, over the course of 15 months, stood alongside the people of Gaza, raising theflag of human dignity and solidarity. In return, Israel’s agents, both on the sidelines and in the virtualand real world, endorsed the massacre of the people of Gaza under the name “the backwardmovement of political Islam and terrorism” and poured scorn on the protest movement againstgenocide! We must not let these mercenaries rest! The mass marches of hundreds of thou...