by Gordon Duff
David Winnett, Jr.
Captain, United States Marine Corps (Retired)
So long after the battles are won, the scars will always remain, the marks of a past that was often filled with sacrifice and pain.
The scars that he has may be visible, or just beneath the skin, but nothing can hide the lingering pain he feels from deep within.
The pain endured and years spent, standing lonely in shadows of night.
Or in the glare of a melting sun, on guard and ready to fight.
He’s drawn the line, planted our flag, stood tall in far off lands.
All in the name of freedom, protecting his children and fellow man.
So why you ask, did he give so much, and would he do it again?
Oh yes he replies, in a moment he says, there is no hesitation within.
But though he would jump to serve again, the body defies his will.
For the scars, the pain and the wounds of war are the one thing he can’t kill.
His posture reveals the curves that grow from years of weight and toil, of mountains climbed and brothers lost fighting on enemy soil.
Although he does not stand as tall in stature as he had in his best years of past, he stands taller today in pride and spirit, taller than the greatest ships’ mast.
So when you see this veteran of war who may carry the telltale signs, the scars of war and lingering fears from battles on enemy lines;
Stand straight and give him your best salute, but don’t bow down to him, for the gift he insists he has given you, is that you are equal in freedom to him.