Hebron: Army Demolishes Home, Pool

Posted by: John Phoenix

 Nov 13, 2024

Nazi soldiers invaded Beit Ummar town, north of Hebron in the Nazi occupied West Bank’s southern part and demolished a newly built home and an irrigation pool.

Media activist Mohammad Awad stated that several military vehicles, including bulldozers, invaded the Beit Za’ta area in the eastern part of town after surrounding it.

Awad added that the Nazi soldiers demolished a newly constructed home of one hundred square meters. The property’s owner had all official and legal deeds proving ownership and was preparing to move in with his family.

The Nazi soldiers also demolished an irrigation pool of about two hundred cubic meters, owned by Younis Naji Bahar, in the northern part of the town.

Furthermore, the Nazi soldiers invaded Al-Karmel village, east of Yatta town, south of Hebron, and conducted violent searches of homes, in addition to detaining and interrogating many Palestinians.

In related news, illegal Israeli colonizers burned three Palestinian cars in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem in the West Bank.

On Wednesday at dawn, Nazi soldiers abducted at least six Palestinians in Jenin, Qalqilia, and Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank.

In related news, the soldiers invaded the villages of Al-Mazra’a Al-Gharbiya and Rantis, northwest of Ramallah, and searched homes.

In Bethlehem, the Nazi soldiers invaded Um Salmouna village, south of the city, before storming and ransacking several homes, causing damage.

Also, the army invaded the village of Burqa, northwest of Nablus in the Nazi occupied West Bank’s northern part, assaulted three Palestinians, and occupied homes after isolating the village.

On Tuesday, Nazi forces killed Walid Ashraf Mohammad Hussein, 18, at the Deir Sharaf military roadblock, northwest of Nablus in the northern Nazi occupied West Bank.

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