Support Marine Dad’s Legal Fund in Fight Against ‘Thank God For Dead Soldiers’ Group
by Michael Leon
Westboro Bigots Disrepect Marines and Ameircan Troops
Westboro Bigots Disrepect Marines and Ameircan Troops –
Veterans Today says support the Marine Dad, Al Snyder Legal Fund against idiots who disrupt Marine and U.S. troop funerals in an outrageous show of disrespect for killed-in-action servicemen and women.
Update: For supporters wishing to snail-mail contributions:
Al Snyder Fund [make out check/money order to “Al Snyder Fund”]
c/o Barley Snyder LLC
100 East Market Street
York, PA 17401
Just off the phone with Snyder’s people in York, Penn; they send their warmest appreciation for the support! “[Lance Cpl Matthew Snyder] was a hero and he was the love of my life,” said Albert Snyder, Matthew’s father who is still steaming at these idiots pictured at left, and whose legal fees ($16,500) Mr. Snyder has been ordered to pay.
Snyder’s funeral service was disrupted by the Westboro Baptist Church and now Snyder has to pay these idiots’ court costs, per a court ruling. Support the Marine Dad, Al Snyder Legal Fund. Al Snyder will not give up without a fight, in memory of his son’s service.
Matthew Snyder
Matthew Snyder
Lance Cpl Matthew Snyder, of Finksburg, Maryland, died in Al Anbar province, Iraq. He was assigned to Combat Service Support Group-1, 1st Marine Logistics Group, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Twentynine Palms, California. Died on March 3, 2006. Matthew was 20 years old.
The Topeka, Kan.-based Westboro Baptist Church, led by the Rev. Fred Phelps, say combat deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan are God’s retribution for America’s tolerance of gay men and lesbian women, and they make their message know by disrupting funerals of servicemen and women who were killed in combat, during which they chant and hold signs bearing messages such as ‘Thank God For Dead Soldiers.’ See Bob Higgins’ Marine Dad Must Pay Westboro Court Fees.
Support the Marine Dad, Al Snyder Legal Fund. These pricks aren’t going to know what hit them.

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