Gaza: SS IOF Is Liquidating the North Ghetto

Posted by: John Phoenix

SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ the North Gaza Ghetto

The IDF’s ‘Aktion’ in north Gaza resembles nothing short of the ‘liquidation’ of the ghettos of East Europe

Israelis and their lickspittles pitch a fit when the language of the Nazi Holocaust is applied to the genocide Israel is perpetrating upon the Palestinians. So here goes:

The northern part of the Gaza Ghetto is being “liquidated” (as remarked on October 31). Israel’s methodology there is that ofthe Nazi death squads, who were said to have “liquidated” the ghettos of Eastern Europe before transporting their involuntarily confined Jewish occupants to the extermination camps, in cattle cars.

Going up against ghettoized civilians were the soldiers of the Nazi Party, the SS, the toughest in the Wehrmacht. Like the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the SS presided over a Kafkaesque apparatus of propaganda, intelligence, police and military bureaucracies.

Plainly put, the purpose of liquidation was deportation to the death camps for extermination. Israel, of course, has further streamlined and industrialized mass eviction and murder by collapsing liquidation and extermination into one. Duly, the IDF is currently attempting to shoo about 400,000 broken and starving human beings in the Strip’s northern most section toward a “safe zone,” the narrow midsection that is the Netzarim Corridor.

The IDF’s “safe zones” bafflegab is reminiscent of the upbeat postcards which deported Jews were urged to mail to their associates: From these condemned Jews, the Nazis, clever and coldhearted, had coerced messages of good cheer: reassuring postcards to folks back home from those who were never coming home. Don’t worry. We’re safe. We’re being ‘resettled’ in a wonderful place. (“Dear wife, I am healthy and I work as a tailor…”)

Since the Palestinians know all too well what is meant by “safe zones”; they are mostly standing their ground. Consequently, the SS IDF is slowly exterminating the residents of northern Gaza in-situ.

As the field monitors of Euro-Med Monitor reported, in the waning days of October, 2024, “Israel is systematically and extensively working to drive out the Palestinian population and forcibly displace them from their residential areas in the northern Gaza Strip.” To that end, they are “using massacres, mass killings, bombings of hospitals and shelters, and the destruction of [the little that remains of the] basic necessities of life.”

The 400,000 Palestinians remaining, reports Chris Hedges, “are enduring a starvation siege and constant airstrikes in an attempt to depopulate the north,” Israeli forces having killed [upward of] 1,250 Palestinians in a renewed assault in the north, launched on October 5. “Reports from northern Gaza are difficult to obtain as internet and phone services have been cut and the few journalists on the ground continue to be killed. Israel’s ground and aerial assaults are centered on Jabaliya, Beit Lahiya and Beit Hanoun. Civil defense units say they have been barred by Israeli forces from reaching the sites of recent strikes and their crews have been attacked.”

Grossaktion Gaza is how the Nazis would have dubbed the SS IDF’s actions.

Aktion or Grossaktion is the term the Nazis used for their assorted ghetto-liquidation operations. Grossaktion Warsaw was the Nazi code name for the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto—again, deportation for the purpose of extermination.

The IDF’s Grossaktion Gaza resembles nothing short of the “liquidation” of the ghettos, as detailed by the National WWII Museum (carpeting your victims with bombs is Israel’s contribution to the annals of genocide):

“The liquidation of ghettos involved rounding up all Jewish inhabitants, shooting any resisters, deporting Jews to killing centers, and the physical destruction of the ghetto. Blanka Rothschild describes her memory of the liquidation of the Łódź Ghetto: ‘[When] came our time, we had to be taken out. The entire population of our [building] was walked to the place where the cattle cars were, and we were loaded. It was a horrible thing because people had to stand. There was no place to sit or squat. If somebody was sick or even dying, he died on his feet standing up. It was just unbearable.’ While some were able to escape or were transferred to forced labor camps, the vast majority of Jews who lived in ghettos in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe perished either from horrid conditions or mass deportations to extermination centers.”

Images are everywhere in Gaza, the north especially, of large groups of naked Palestinian men sitting amid the ruins. CNN had finally deigned to report and depict, on October 30, men old, frail and infirm, wilting out on Gaza’s ruined streets. These images had been uploaded by Satan’s army on earth, by the IDF itself. The separation of the men from the women on arrival: This, too, was a feature of the Nazi death camps. Stripping was the lot of all the condemned.

Ramy Abdu| رامي عبده



In this image, you can see doctors, elderly individuals, journalists, teachers, UN employees, nurses, and academics, including our dear Dr. Nasr Al-Kahlout. This is how Israel drives them to death. #GazaGenocide

Images of Jews on the move (courtesy of the Holocaust Encyclopedia), in March of 1943, during the SS’s liquidation of the Krakow Ghetto (Grossaktion Krakow), for example, conjure the death marches across Gaza, except that the people of Gaza are meager in the extreme, while the Jews of Europe appear wealthier and better attired.

Pre-liquidation, the ghettos engineered by the Nazi Reich are described as follows, courtesy of the National WWII Museum out of New Orleans:

…life in ghettos was almost always characterized by extensive overcrowding, unsanitary conditions, hunger and starvation, the rampant spread of contagious diseases, and freezing conditions in the winter months. It is estimated that tens of thousands of Jews died in ghettos from illness, starvation, and the cold. Abraham Lewent, who lived in the Warsaw Ghetto until 1943, describes the conditions he and his family faced: ‘The hunger in the ghetto was so great, was so bad, that people were laying [sic] on the streets and dying, little children went around begging, and every day you walked out in the morning, you see somebody is laying [sic] dead.’”

Gaza was always a ghetto, ergo the “ghettoization” of the Palestinians in preparation for liquidation was unnecessary after October 2023. Be it in the West Bank or in the Gaza Strip; Palestinians are already hemmed in—confined, entrapped, encircled—by the Israeli Occupation forces. It was, therefore, easy for “cartoonishly evil” Israel to start starving, killing, maiming and torturing Gaza’s Palestinians.

These days, Gaza looks worse than the Polish Kutno Ghetto of yesteryear, for example, depicted in Hugo Jaeger’s photography, curated by Time & Life. On the one hand are the heartbreaking images of the Polish shantytown, its many makeshift shelters, and its hopeless inmates amid the collapsing ruins. On the other are the nylon tents that have come to typify Gaza, set against a Hiroshima-like moonscape, from which all signs of collective Palestinian life have been erased. The similarities are too conspicuous to ignore.

The grimness of Palestinian existence in the course of the liquidation of North Gaza has been chronicled by Euro-Med Monitor’s field team as the months of October and November, 2024, have worn on. Due to the relative speed and efficiency of the Israeli liquidation-cum-extermination operations, those who’ve taken it upon themselves to bear witness are left sharing banner headlines, the kind that will one day line the walls of the Palestinian Holocaust Museum:

“In less than a month, Israeli army attacks shelter centers 39 times to displace Palestinians and empty Gaza.” (October 28, 2024)

“US, Germany involved in Israel’s ongoing crime of genocide across the Gaza Strip, particularly in the north.” (October 30, 2024)

“’They killed them without them moving a muscle’: Field executions, starvation, and forced displacement by Israeli army in northern Gaza.” (November 17, 2024)

“New Israeli ‘flour massacre’ targets dozens of starving people north of Gaza City.” (November 14, 2024)

“As Israel insists on using starvation as weapon, famine in northern Gaza must be officially declared.” (November 10, 2024)

Appended to the “starvation” banner headline is an image of the arms and hands of a ten-year-old Palestinian muselmann. A muselmann is a person whose body weight equals the weight of his bones. Yazan al-Kafarneh, of blessed memory, passed away in that condition.

“The entire population of North Gaza is at risk of dying,” inveighed Joyce Msuya, acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, in a statement posted on the social media platform X, back in October.

For reasons obvious, people who’re being exterminated are at risk of … dying; are in extremis. Yet here again are we reduced to the blandest of bromides by the powers that have fallen in step behind Israel.

What makes this all so galling is that never before has a genocide been exculpated, promoted (“finish the job”), and its opposers, the moral majority, threatened, terrorized, fired, silenced—throttled and shadow-banned on social media. Israel’s underwriters are working to crush the citizenry’s fundamental freedoms across the West, in service to their Israeli overlords.

Powerful Israel apostles arrayed behind this genocide explain the UN’s relatively slippery, truth-eliding language 14 months on.

No longer. At long last comes a UN Homerian D’oh! moment. On November 14, 2024, the UN Special Committee to investigate Israeli practices declared “Israel’s warfare in Gaza” to be “consistent with the characteristics of genocide, with mass civilian casualties and life-threatening conditions intentionally imposed on Palestinians there.”

From the onset, “… Israeli officials have publicly supported policies that strip Palestinians of the very necessities required to sustain life — food, water, and fuel,” the Committee said. “These statements along with the systematic and unlawful interference of humanitarian aid make clear Israel’s intent to instrumentalize life-saving supplies for political and military gains.”

All this is not inadmissible hearsay. Israel and its officials have always acted openly and with malice aforethought. And, quite cheerfully, at that.

For convivial demeanor, images of the “Nazi female guards (Helferinnen) posing with Auschwitz concentration camp officer Karl Hoecker” could double up as the IDF’s regular GI Joe and GI ho.Except that in pictures, at least, the Nazis—not that it’s any consolation—appear less prone to manifestations of poor taste.

Still, the West’s Der Sturmer media are concerned. Although the IDF looks like they’re living it up; the pro-genocide networks have a new load of grief. They share it in obscene articles such as, “He got out of Gaza, but Gaza did not get out of him’: Israeli soldiers returning from war struggle with trauma and suicide.” [“Jump, genocider. Jump. Jump.”]

Sidebar (for we are here prosecuting crimes): While Israeli Jews are conscripted and must enlist in the IDF—no soldier is compelled to do what we’ve seen IDF soldiers rejoice in doing. The military draft does not compel a conscript to commit, chronicle, and crow over institutionalized, legalized crime. Borne of pride, the joy seen recorded and then transmitted from thousands of IDF mobile phones has been entirely voluntary, spontaneous, and organic to Israeli society’s tenor and project.

Yet the likes of CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash—big time normalizers and backers of the genocide—would like you to view these Israeli criminals as victims, suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, worthy of empathy, not opprobrium. Moreover, when you think of the IDF, the media hacks want you to think of fleeting youthful indiscretion—not of the abiding degeneracy and moral rot of a society and a military animated by mythomania and megalomania.

The mercenary media hacks give us to understand that even in murder—mid-murder—Israelis must be seen and described as mere victims. Essentially—and as a theme song to the 2005 Hussle & Flow film goes—“It’s hard out here for a pimp.” (With apologies to pimps for the utterly unfair linguistic flourish.)

In no small part thanks to this Julius Streicher media running cover for the IDF’s liquidation-and-extermination operations; IDF malefactors are, in fact, doing well, still hamming it up in Gaza. Undeterred, the Israeli army is not tiring of genocide; but is invigorated by it. These wretched individuals upload fresh content of their exploits continuously.

And, why not? Genocide is de facto legal even laudable in all forms in Israel; and it is certainly legal in some forms in the West.

On tap for October 9, 2024, uploaded at 2:11 PM, a group of IDF revelers out of the Zaitoun neighborhood in Gaza City, offers up filmed footage of themselvesIn it, these Israeli Defense Forces detritus, human waste by any other name, twerk their tushes and groins, grin and gyrate while hooting at the top of their lungs about their crimes. The routine is quite campy, certainly homoerotic, conjuring a crude version of the cabaret scene in wartime Germany.

After a day of רצח עם (retsach um), murder of a nation, as genocide is referred to in Israel, the soldiers, as ugly a people as I ever saw, are pumped. Their elated and distorted mugs resemble nothing so much as primates in heat—profuse apologies to primates, it goes without saying, for the unflattering and undeserving figure of speech. Log into X formerly known as Twitter, and click this link to view Israel’s finest. For on Elon Musk’s X, the sharing code of Israel-incriminating videos is mostly disabled. (I have this fact confirmed by an expert coder.)

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Israeli soldiers dance in a school they took over, displacing families sheltering inside. Translation of graffiti on wall behind equivalent to “A good Arab is a dead Arab” Racial supremacy directs this genocide and Israeli society’s slip into the abyss

Another crowning social event for Murder Inc. is a funeral for Shuval ben Nathan. It’s a chilling tableau in which the family of Shuval ben Nathan eulogizes him with blood-curdling ululations and exhortations. The recording website is Seventh Eye. It’s in Hebrew. The relatives of Shuval ben Nathan don’t merely “call for revenge,” as the article’s Hebrew conveys. Rather, they call for more revenge, while celebrating the bloodletting that has already gone down—is going down, did go down—under the watch of their dearly departed.

To this clan, their dead brother and son was a man of first quality, who lived by the light of truth. “You went into Azza for revenge, the more the better: women, children, everything you saw, this is what you wanted,” the family yelps with unctuous praise.

What else have our vigorous victims and their clans been up to aside the liquidation of the North Gaza Ghetto, and daily incinerations and massacres across the rest of the Strip, in the West Bank, in the Dahiya of Lebanon (“Israel escalates its massacres systematically attacking civilians and emergency medical personnel”), and beyond?

For such a small and insignificant entity, Israel casts a long shadow. It’s exporting to the world civilian terrorists—violent auxiliaries of the IDF, like the Maccabi Tel Aviv football fans. These civilian squadrons expect to partake of Western civil society, or what remains of it, on their terms and, in the process, to enforce Israel’s inverted reality and morality, and take down those of us who’re implacably lined up in opposition.

For some reason, Israeli football players and their felonious, violent and psychopathic fans were invited to Amsterdam. Maccabi Tel Aviv’s football fans soon flooded the streets of the city with the intent of terrorizing residents who looked Arab or displayed insignia in solidarity with Palestine.

If you imagine that you’re familiar with the language of the gutter and the public urinal; then Israel will show you otherwise. Israel’s football hooligans rampaged across beautiful, tolerant Amsterdam, roaring for sexual violence and genocide: “Let the IDF win, fuck the Arabs. There are no schools in Gaza, as there are no children left.”

Get this: Dutch citizen-journalist Annet de Graaf videotaped the footage and clearly annotated it, naming the culprits. What followed was a “text case study in disinformation,” dissected by Richard Sanders. De Graaf’s footage was soon seized upon by mercenary hacks of major media: Reuters, Sky, The New York Times, and “other mainstream outlets like NBC, CBS, CNN, and the BBC.” All ran almost identical headlines that read like an Israeli press release.

Video Link

Not only had the identities of the Maccabi Tel Aviv fans trashing the host city been concealed; it had been switched. Israeli rampaging, instead, was attributed to Dutch residents, who were said by Dutch elites even stupider than ours to be guilty of a “pogrom” against Netherland’s Jews.

A “media system loathe to use the term genocide to describe the [murder] of over 43,000 Palestinians seemed happy to use terminology redolent of the Holocaust,” parsed Marc Owen Jones, an academic specializing in media disinformation. “The only basis at the time for claiming antisemitism,” confirmed Jones, “came from a single tweet by the Dutch prime minister.”

With Maccabi Tel Aviv rabble being framed as the victims, Israel’s willing executioners, leaders of the West, had managed, once again, to invert reality and flout the last vestiges of evidence-based journalism.

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Hitler’s Willing Executioners was a widely feted book penned by Daniel Goldhagen. It made a rickety case for assigning collective guilt for the Holocaust to all ordinary Germans. While it is false and unfair to blame all Germans for the Final Solution; the grim irony is that it’s not incorrect to conclude that the genocide of the Palestinians has won a plebiscite in Israel.

In sum, the SS IDF are doing well—and are well-represented in their society. Theirs “are not excesses,” roars Norman Finkelstein. The IDF is not a case of “a few rotten apples in the barrel. No!” Come to the fore is the rot at the core of Israeli society. “This obnoxious, narcissistic, Jewish supremacist society has come to the surface,” insists Professor Finkelstein.

Bar the shahīds themselves, no one is more familiar with Gaza’s martyrdom than Norman Finkelstein. And he, too, has marveled at the unique “degree of social solidarity in Israel.” Israel is a death cult, Finkelstein has observed. Its people enjoy the spectacle of the daily massacres.”

Another ecumenical affair for Israelis is that of busloads of exultant settlers and their loathsome larded offspring watching and cheering the liquidation of northern Gaza from the Israeli side, with a view to moving in once their neighbors are dead and gone.

“Thou shalt not covet your neighbor’s house” (Exodus 20:17) means nothing to these people. “Thou shalt not murder” even less.

Ilana Mercer is paleolibertarian author, essayist and theorist. Her new book is “The Paleolibertarian Guide To Deep Tech, Deep Pharma & The Aberrant Economy” (February 2024). Mercer is described as “a system-builder. Distilled, her modus operandi has been to methodically apply first principles to the day’s events.” She’s Jewish and grew up in Israel from which she fled, aged 19, never to return.

By: Ilana Mercer

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