
Hamas: A Beginner’s Guide
Gaza, Literature, Palestine Affairs, Politics, West Bank

Hamas: A Beginner’s Guide

Posted by: John Phoenix by Khaled Hroub Paperback £24.99 eBook £7.99 BUYAcclaimed introduction to the Palestinian Islamist organisation in a simple Q&A format, fully revised and updated. Overview Author Biography Endorsements Contents Details What is Hamas's history; its key beliefs; and its political agenda? From its' founding, following the First Intifada, to the 2008 Israeli Gaza offensive, Khaled Hroub writes this indispensable introduction to Hamas. The book encompasses all major events, including the January 2006 elections, the ever-evolving relationship with Fatah, and the Gaza war, in addition to providing insight into Hamas's ideology by studying their charter, their socio-economic strategies and their outlook on Israel. Explai...
Book: Engaging the World: The Making of Hamas’s Foreign Policy
Literature, Palestine Affairs

Book: Engaging the World: The Making of Hamas’s Foreign Policy

Posted by: John Phoenix Author(s): Dr Daud Abdullah Publisher Afro-Middle East Centre (AMEC) Published January 28, 2021 Paperback 272 Pages Language English ISBN 978-0-9947048-2-5 The Making of Hamas’s Foreign Policy is the first comprehensive account of how the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, conducts its international relations, its attempts to develop a coherent and dynamic foreign policy, and its leveraging of this foreign policy to strengthen its global legitimacy and credibility. Having grown out of the refugee camps in Gaza, and relying mostly on its support within Palestine and the Palestinian diaspora, the movement was thrust onto the global stage by a series of events imposed on it. Its victory in the 2...
Liam Lynch: A legacy that will endure and inspire

Liam Lynch: A legacy that will endure and inspire

Posted by: John Phoenix »Mícheál Mac Donncha Mícheál Mac Donncha interviews author and historian Gerard Shannon on his new biography of Republican leader Liam Lynch.  • • • • • • •  M Mac D: Congratulations on your new biography. Why Liam Lynch and why now? GS: Thank you! In nearly four decades, there has not been a major biography of General Liam Lynch. To me, that is incredible given his considerable contribution to the cause of Irish independence and the abundance of existing biographies for others from the period, like Michael Collins and Éamon de Valera, or even Arthur Griffith.  The first biography by Lynch’s comrade, Florence O’Donoghue, came out in 1954 and the second biography by Meda Ryan came out i...
What Christians Don’t Know About ‘I$raHell
Literature, Palestine Affairs, United Kingdom, USA, ZIO-NAZI

What Christians Don’t Know About ‘I$raHell

Posted by: John Phoenix ‘Christians in the Holy Land’ BookletCost: $1Size: 8.5x5.5 BookletStatus: In Stock; Usually Ships in 1-2 WeeksDownload PDF  Grace HalsellWashington Report on Middle East AffairsMay/June 1998 American Jews sympathetic to Israel dominate key positions in all areas of our government where decisions are made regarding the Middle East. This being the case, is there any hope of ever changing U.S. policy? President Bill Clinton as well as most members of Congress support Israel—and they know why. U.S. Jews sympathetic to Israel donate lavishly to their campaign coffers. The answer to achieving an even-handed Middle East policy might lie elsewhere—among those who support Israel but don’t really know why. This group is the vast majority o...
Richard Nixon and the Jews
Literature, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Richard Nixon and the Jews

By: RON UNZ  President Richard Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger EPub Format The stated purpose of our alternative media website is to provide convenient access to “interesting, important, and controversial perspectives largely excluded from the American mainstream media.” In fulfillment of this mission, we regularly cover highly-controversial topics only rarely presented in other publications, while also moderating the resulting discussions with a very light hand. As an inevitable consequence of these two related policies, we attract a very wide variety of readers and commenters, ranging from the extremely erudite to the totally deranged. No better example of this exists than in our candid coverage of Jews and Jewish issues, widely regarded as deadly “thi...
Book: Britain’s Perfidious Labour party by Harpal Brar
Literature, United Kingdom

Book: Britain’s Perfidious Labour party by Harpal Brar

Posted by: John Phoenix An essential history for every sincere worker who wishes to make sense of the political landscape in Britain and find an effective way forward. Ranjeet Brar Subscribe to our  channel Download a digital copy of this pamphlet. Buy a copy from our shop. ***** Introduction by Ranjeet Brar to Harpal Brar’s text It remains an article of faith to many British workers, and much of the British left, that the Labour party is the mass party of the working class. The Labour party was founded by the British trade union movement, and it is ...
Engaging the World: The Making of Hamas’s Foreign Policy
Gaza, Literature

Engaging the World: The Making of Hamas’s Foreign Policy

Posted by: John Phoenix ): Dr Daud Abdullah Publisher Afro-Middle East Centre (AMEC) Published January 28, 2021 Paperback 272 Pages Language English ISBN 978-0-9947048-2-5 The Making of Hamas’s Foreign Policy is the first comprehensive account of how the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, conducts its international relations, its attempts to develop a coherent and dynamic foreign policy, and its leveraging of this foreign policy to strengthen its global legitimacy and credibility. Having grown out of the refugee camps in Gaza, and relying mostly on its support within Palestine and the Palestinian diaspora, the movement was thrust onto the global stage by a series of events imposed on it. Its victory in the 2006 Palestinian ...
BOOK REVIEW: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend by Domenico Losurdo – Part 3

BOOK REVIEW: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend by Domenico Losurdo – Part 3

Posted by: John Phoenix Stalin is an obvious candidate for the most vitriolic abuse for under his leadership private property and the market suffered unprecedented hammer blows.  Under his stewardship, socialism spread to eastern and central Europe, China, the DPRK and Vietnam, taking this vast mass, along with the USSR, out of the world market. Under his leadership, the USSR emerged victorious in the Great Patriotic War, frustrating imperialist plans for its defeat by the vile Nazi regime.  No one has delivered such devastating blows to imperialism as did the USSR during the three decades of Stalin’s leadership.  This being the case, how would one expect imperialism’s representatives, its ideologues, to show any objectivity towards this undisputed and towerin...
The Corporate University in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Literature, USA

The Corporate University in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

BY DAVID SCHULTZ Photo by Maximalfocus ChatGPT/AI was supposed to be the next big thing to revolutionize higher education.  But based on my students’ comments, it is less than underwhelming.  But that does not matter.  AI will be the latest tool the corporate university uses to save itself from the neo-liberal education policies it has pursued for the last  fifty years. At the beginning of 2023 ChatGPT/AI took higher education by storm.  It was heralded by the likes of The Chronicle of Higher Education, the voice of neo-liberal higher ed,  as the next big thing to change teaching and learning. Much like massive open online courses or MOOCs,  clickers,  interactive whiteboards, Channel One, and a collection of oth...
BOOK REVIEW: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend by Domenico Losurdo – Part 2

BOOK REVIEW: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend by Domenico Losurdo – Part 2

The Gulag Propaganda in the imperialist organs of mass communication portrays the Soviet Union as a gigantic prison camp – the gulag – where the inmates are tortured, subjected to humiliating and dehumanising treatment. Losurdo demolishes these lying assertions, first, by reference to the treatment of prisoners in Soviet prisons; second, by referencing the complete omission by imperialism and its ideologues, of the vast network of gulags abd concentration camps in the imperialist world and the mass extermination of millions of people by imperialist and colonialist countries over the past several centuries as well as recently. Australia, he writes, was Britain’s Siberia, to which Irish dissidents as well as people who had committed minor crimes such as theft of a shilling or ...