Far East

Confucius Is Winning the Covid-19 War
Far East, Health

Confucius Is Winning the Covid-19 War

Compare hundreds of millions of Asians' serene response to the coronavirus crisis with the West's fear, panic and hysteria By Pepe Escobar As the Raging Twenties unleash a radical reconfiguration of the planet, coronavirus (literally “crowned poison”) has for all practical purposes served a poisoned chalice of fear and panic to myriad, mostly Western, latitudes.   Berlin-based, South Korean-born philosopher Byung-Chul Han has forcefully argued the victors are the “Asian states like Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan or Singapore that have an authoritarian mentality which comes from their cultural tradition [of] Confucianism.” Han added: “People are less rebellious and more obedient than in Europe. They trust the state more. Daily lif...
Far East

Thailand: The Lingering Spectre of US Colour Revolutions

By Joseph Thomas Global Research, Thailand’s opposition is openly backed by powerful foreign interests, particularly those in Washington. As the opposition attempts to secure power and help serve as a vector for Western special interests, the spectre of a Western-sponsored “colour revolution” increasingly looms over Thailand’s future. Thailand is a key Southeast Asian nation, with the second largest economy in the ASEAN regional bloc and a key regional partner for China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). By disrupting Thailand’s political status quo, Washington hopes to introduce complications to China’s regional and global rise. Taking to the Streets  In early December Thai opposition party “Future Forward” took to the streets with several hundred protesters, obstr...
China, Far East

Is 2020 China’s Year of Economic and Political Milestone?

By Tom Clifford Global Research, Just as one New Year’s festivities end, another begins. China is set to celebrate the Year of the Rat on January 25. Folklore says it’s a good year for business and fertility. But it also marks an economic and political milestone. For the first time since the 18th century China is entering a decade as an established global economic power. Ten years ago, with the West battling a financial crisis, people were talking about the future rise of China as if it were some distance away, if ever. Many in the West thought China would have its own financial crisis. Instead, the Chinese economy, six years ago, became the world’s largest, measured by purchasing power parity, according to the World Bank. Its new status, and its purchasing power, h...
Far East, Palestine Affairs

Malaysia’s Decision to Bar Israeli Athletes Was Much Needed

NOVANEWS   By Yousef Aljamal Malaysia has historically been a strong supporter of the Palestinian people who experienced and continue to experience colonization, military occupation and many forms of discrimination for over 100 years. In fact, it has always been Malaysia’s policy to support the Palestinian people, who have suffered immensely due to the ongoing Zionist colonization project in Palestine, which resulted in establishing Israel on the ruins of Palestinian homes. Support for Palestine has been expressed under different Malaysian governments, most notably under the administrations of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who has always been vocal in his criticism of Israel’s discriminatory and militant policies. Palestine has always enjoyed the support of ordinary Malaysians, who e...
Far East, Myanmar

UN Report on Myanmar Ignores Western Imperial High Crimes

NOVANEWS By Stephen Lendman Global Research Note to readers: please click the share buttons above   A UN Human Rights Council fact-finding mission accused Myanmar’s military and security forces of genocide and war crimes against Royinghas and other ethnic minorities – calling their actions “the gravest crimes under international law.” According to former Indonesian attorney general mission chair Marzuki Darusman, Myanmar’s military committed “shocking human rights violations,” showing “flagrant disregard for lives,” displaying “extreme levels of brutality.” Its military shows “contempt for human life, dignity and freedom – for international law in general.” “The Rohingya are in a continuing situation of severe systemic and institutionalized oppression from birth to death.” Offe...
Far East, ZIO-NAZI

Duterte, Who Compared Himself to Hitler to Visit the Nazi regime

NOVANEWS Philippines President Duterte, Who Compared Himself to Hitler, in Talks for Israel Visit in September Duterte has been accused of murdering civilians. The Philippines is among countries who could potentially move their embassy to Jerusalem Noa Landau Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte holds an Israeli-made Galil rifle in Quezon, Philippines, April 19, 2018Bullit Marquez/AP Trump praises Philippine's Duterte for drug crackdown that cost nearly 9,000 lives Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte is planning a visit to Israel in September, with talks to coordinate the meeting taking place between the two countries. Duterte is considered one of the world's most controversial leaders, his presidency marred by accusations of slaughtering citizens, com...
Far East

US Cuts Funds for Disarming Explosives It Dropped on Cambodia, Phnom Penh Strengthens its Ties with Beijing

NOVANEWS By Tony Cartalucci Global Research   In an article by Thai PBS titled, “US cuts 2018 funding for demining operations in Cambodia,” it’s revealed that next year’s meager $2 million in US government funding for demining operations of US unexploded ordnance (UXO) in eastern Cambodia leftover from the Vietnam War has been discontinued without warning or explanation. The move caused confusion across Cambodia’s government, as well as across partner nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Cambodia participating in the US program. Speculation over the move revolves around growing tensions between Washington and Phnom Penh as the United States desperately attempts to reassert itself in Asia Pacific, while Asian states – including Cambodia – continue to build closer and more con...
Far East, USA

The “Bum” Who Took a Knee to Avoid the Vietnam War

  NOVANEWS by REV. WILLIAM ALBERTS Photo by H. Michael Karshis | CC BY 2.0 Soldiers don’t sacrifice their lives so that citizens will stand for the national anthem and the American flag.  They sacrifice themselves so that citizens have the freedom to kneel in protest against governmental policies that cause unjust wars or other acts that harm American lives.  The America flag and national anthem are supposed to be symbols of that precious Constitutional freedom, not turned into idolatrous objects of worship by politicians seeking to suppress that freedom by equating patriotism with their self-serving policies.  Patriotism is about revering human rights, not worshipping a flag.  It is about democratic principles that guide behavior, not a symbolic flag pin to brandish on one’s lape...
Far East

Obfuscating the Truths of Vietnam

NOVANEWS By S. Brian Willson | CounterPunch  I have hesitated to comment on the instructive discussion on VFP’s Full Disclosure page about the Burns-Novick Vietnam PBS series because I am not watching it. I have enjoyed reading many of the comments, and have communicated with people who have seen advance screenings. In 2014, I heard Burns’ publicly discuss his pending PBS Vietnam series. He responded to a question about Agent Orange with a “safe” position that damage to human beings from the chemical herbicide was scientifically inconclusive. This was not surprising given that Burns is a popular, established film maker of various aspects of history from jazz, to baseball, to the Civil War. However, any deep threat to the US American basic “good guy” self-image would likely curtail his co...
Far East

Aung San Suu Kyi, Nobel Prizes and the Rohingyas

NOVANEWS By Dr. Binoy Kampmark Global Research   Scratch the skin of a saint, claimed George Orwell, and you are bound to find a sinner with an extensive resume. Such resumes are evaluated in these modern times by accolades, awards, and summits. The Noble Peace Prize tends to be crowning affirmation that somewhere along the line, you sufficiently fouled up to merit it. The calls, some even shrill, to have the Nobel Prize taken off Aung San Suu Kyi, are distressed lamentations of misplaced loyalties, even love. The de facto leader of Myanmar is showing what others have in the past: partiality, a harsh streak, and a cold blooded instinct. The saint, in other words, has been scratched, and the unquestioning followers are startled. When asked to respond to the arrival in Banglades...