Platform in Dakar: pan-Africanism, anti-imperialism, internationalism

Posted by: John Phoenix

Reinforcing the vital link between he national-liberation movement in the oppressed countries and the workers’ movement in the imperialist centres.

World Anti-Imperialist Platform

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The image above shows protestors in South Africa in support of dockworkers who refused to unload an Israeli ship. Delegates in Dakar endorsed the Platform’s call for mass action around the world to disrupt the flow of arms and other materials that feed the imperialist war machine and keep the genocidal zionist entity functioning.

The following statement was issued by delegates at the end of a colloquium session of the World Anti-imperialist Platform in Dakar, hosted jointly with the Dynamique Unitaire Panafricaine (DUP).


Gathered in Dakar for three days of intense work at the seventh international anti-imperialist conference of the World Anti-imperialist Platform, the Dynamique Unitaire Panafricaine (DUP) and the Comité national préparatoire du Sénégal en Afrique, on the theme of Combative Pan-Africanism and Anti-Imperialist Internationalism, we, delegates from 35 countries in Asia, America, Europe and Africa, once again recognise the need to combine fighting pan-Africanism with internationalism, and the importance of the anti-imperialist and popular orientation of pan-Africanism.

Considering the situation and tasks of the African revolutionary movement, we were able to understand current sovereigntist experiences, their positive points and their weaknesses.

The sufferings of the peoples and nations of Africa – the situation of the Democratic Republic of Congo being emblematic – under the blows of imperialism’s aggression have highlighted the need to unite against imperialism’s divisive manoeuvres, and the need to pursue the path of national liberation, class liberation and human emancipation, through which peoples become the true masters of society. This is a common task for the oppressed and exploited peoples of the world, not just Africa, and the scientific path of revolution that must be pursued consistently and strategically in order to achieve true liberation.

We also recognise that the workers’ movement and the class struggle in the imperialist countries are closely linked to the people’s movement and the national-liberation movement in the neocolonised countries, and that they all constitute one of the most important foundations of today’s internationalist movement.

Humanity today faces the threat of the third world war provoked by imperialism. Unfortunately, the storm of world war is blowing from eastern Europe through west Asia (the middle east) to east Asia and the western Pacific. Above all, the anti-imperialist camp, which aims for justice, peace and liberation, must form and strengthen the anti-imperialist front, aim for the unity of the proletariat and the peoples of the world, and go beyond the struggle of steadfast resistance to the popular uprising.

We support the historic experience of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC), whose thinker and leader was Amilcar Cabral. We must draw inspiration from this people-centred experience of national liberation in today’s conditions, resolutely opposing and fighting against military coups with fascist and reactionary tendencies.

– With regard to the governments of Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Senegal, we support their anti-imperialist policies and the need to unite all patriotic and revolutionary forces to consolidate their experiences.

– Anti-capitalist movements in imperialist countries must fight to satisfy the demands of exploited peoples and workers, refugees, migrants, young people, women etc, as Amilcar Cabral emphasised. The workers’ movement in the imperialist countries and the national-liberation movement in the colonies are linked.

– Combative pan-Africanism must be associated with anti-imperialism and internationalism.

– The imperialist forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the United States, the European Union, and Japan are marching towards the third world war.

– The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran are points of support for the anti-imperialist front. World anti-imperialist forces are striving to strengthen the anti-imperialist front, and affirm the need for a popular uprising that mobilises all the people.

– We recognise the importance of the Brics system, which includes the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation, in the anti-imperialist front.

– Pan-African and world revolutionary organisations, including the DUP and the Platform, must contribute to strengthening scientific and revolutionary education in Africa, including west Africa.

– Workers and peoples boycott and resist imperialist weapons supplied for the wars in Ukraine and west Asia, as well as all war manoeuvres, by all possible means, including boycott, and strive to stop the war of aggression.

– We support struggles and resistance movements against imperialist monopoly capital, such as the anti-Bolloré struggle.

Participants at the seventh anti-imperialist conference are already committed to drawing up a plan of action to strengthen effectiveness and solidarity against imperialism.

27 October 2024

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