There must be something about the air in Massachusetts these days. They’ve just gone and elected a Republican Senator in a State where a donkey could get elected if it wore the Democratic colours (some say it has already!). Now it’s flagship University, Harvard, seems intent on defending a foreign affairs policy wonk, Martin Kramer, who’s long established a reputation as a hard-line Zionist.
Harvard is, of course, the almer mata of another serial racist and by all accounts wife batterer, one Professor Alan Dershowitz whose book The Case for Israel plagiarised a book, Joan Peter’s From Time Immemorial, that was itself guilty of plagiarism and large-scale falsehoods.
 Kramer however, who was been involved in the McCarthyite Campus Watch (like the Nazis, he doesn’t like dissident academics who speak out on Palestine) went one further at a conference in Herzliya recently, where he applauded the starvation siege of Gaza on account of the fact that it would reduce the birthrate and population of Gaza.
 Such views are eugenicist. They are also the basis of Nazi race ‘science’. Selective breeding or birth control to eliminate the poor and feckless was the life blood of the American Eugenicist movement in the early part of the 20th Century. Some 66,000 forcible sterilisations were carried out in the United States between 1908 and the 1960’s.
 One-third of these forcible sterilisations were carried out in California alone. Famous Supreme Court Judge Oliver Wendell Holme lent his support to the movement declaring in 1927 that :
‘It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes… Holmes concluded his argument with the infamous phrase “Three generations of imbeciles are enough”
Martin Kramer comes in a long-line of Eugenicists and it is therefore no surprise that he turns his attentions to the Palestinians. Every racist crank and cookie these days signs up to Zionism’s anti-Islamic racism and its hatred of the Palestinians. Policies to stop Palestinians breed are but a logical extension of the need for a racially pure Jewish state.
 The Weatherhead Centre describes itself as ‘the largest international research center within Harvard University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences.’ It would seem that under the guise of ‘academic freedom’ [which only ever applies to far-right and Zionist ideas, as opposition to Zionism in this Orwellian world is ‘hate speech’) Harvard is fully intent on defending the neo-Nazi outpourings of this racist ‘scholar’.
Below is a joint letter from students at Harvard who are concerned about the company their university is keeping.
Tony Greenstein

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