
Turmoil in Burma: what’s going on?

Turmoil in Burma: what’s going on?

Why would a military that already held most of the strings of power carry out an apparently unnecessary seizure of power? Lalkar writers Anti-coup protests show no sign on abating on the streets of Burma. On 1 February 2021, the government led by Aung San Suu Kyi was overthrown in a military coup. It is hard, however, to make sense of this coup as the civilian government in Myanmar (Burma) was really only a figleaf behind which stood continuing military control of the country. One Burmese commentator wrote: “This coup doesn’t make sense. The Tatmadaw [the Burmese military] and its members, with the exception of a few top leaders, were free to do as they pleased. War crimes and atrocities against ethnic and religious minorities had continued under the National League ...

UN report on abuses in Myanmar and ties to disaster capitalism

The UN recently released its independent international fact-finding mission report on Myanmar which encouraged the world to sever ties with the country’s military and the many companies, local and foreign, making $ from the brutal conflict. Thanks to Rawan Arraf, a wonderful lawyer in Australia and founder of the Australian Centre for International Justice, she informed me that my last major book, ‘Disaster Capitalism: Making a Killing Out of Catastrophe’, via Verso Books, is referenced twice in the report. I don’t mention Myanmar but explain how corporations make $ from misery across the globe from Afghanistan to Papua New Guinea. Consider it a global hammer against exploitation. The report mentions my book twice and I’ve posted one of them here.TAGS:HUMAN...

Nazi regime refuses to stop arms sales to Myanmar despite Rohingya massacre

NOVANEWS Press TV  The Israeli regime will not put an end to its sale of ammunition to Myanmar in light of incontrovertible evidence and United Nations data that the Southeast Asian nation’s military has perpetrated various forms of atrocities, including systematic rape and expulsions, against Rohingya Muslims. English-language Haaretz daily newspaper reported that a group of human rights activists had filed a petition in the so-called High Court of Justice, demanding an end to the arms sales. Senior Israeli official Shosh Shmueli, in return, said the court should not interfere in Israel’s foreign relations. Shmueli’s comments came as Israeli arms companies have sold more than 100 battle tanks, as well as patrol boats and light weapons to the Burmese military in recent years. Meanwhil...

Six Points in Myanmar Leader’s Rohingya Speech That Fail Fact-Checking

NOVANEWS Criminal Aung San Suu Kyi On Tuesday, Myanmar's state counselor and de facto leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, broke silence on the ongoing Rohingya crisis in a televised address. But the speech required reasonable fact-checking and was even described as a "a mix of untruths and victim blaming" by Amnesty International. Suu Kyi called on the international community to assist the country's authorities in resolving the ongoing Rohingya Muslim minority crisis. She added that the government intends to carefully examine the situation and listen to all incoming arguments and counterarguments. Nevertheless, there were some dubious claims by the country’s leader that need to be scrutinized. 1. "We want to find out why this exodus is happening."  This claim directly contradicts...

Why won’t the international community stop the Rohingya genocide? ‘VIDEO’

NOVANEWS By Kevin Barrett Press TV In this episode of The Debate, Press TV has conducted an interview with  Veterans Today Editor, author and political commentator Kevin Barrett, from Madison, and Brent Budowsky, a columnist of The Hill from Washington to discuss the ongoing Rohingya Muslims’ crisis in refugee camps in Bangladesh after fleeing violence in Myanmar. Both guests agree that the ongoing genocide must be stopped. But Budowsky blames Russia and China for the international community’s failure to protect the Rohingya; while Barrett says the US and Israel, which effectively abolished international law with their 9/11 false flag operation and subsequent wars of aggression, are the main culprits.

Burma: Rape and Murder of 5-Year-Old Stirs Outrage

NOVANEWS A photo campaign against child sex abuse in Mandalay calls for harsher penalties for the offenders. By MOE MYINT  RANGOON — A 61-year-old man raped and choked to death a 5-year-old girl in Sarni Taung village, Thandwe Township, southern Arakan State on Tuesday evening, according to the Thandwe police. The little girl went outside of her home around 6 p.m. on Tuesday, and by 8 p.m., her parents began to search for her. The parents discovered their daughter’s dead body in the house belonging to their neighbor, U Han Maung, according to the Thandwe police. The police arrested the suspect on Wednesday morning as he was riding his bicycle on the Thandwe-Taungup highway. Investigators believe that the perpetrator was trying to flee. “He confessed his wrongdoings to the invest...

Burma: Militancy in Arakan State

NOVANEWS Burma Army troops on patrol in Maungdaw in October after militant attacks on border guard outposts. By BERTIL LINTNER  Ongoing violence in Arakan State has captured the attention of the outside world in a way that no other ethnic conflict in Burma has ever done. But are Muslim communities in the northwestern corner of the state subjected to ethnic cleansing verging on genocide — or is it, as two writers from the International Crisis Group (ICG) suggested in an article in Time magazine, and elaborated in a longer report, “the world’s newest Muslim insurgency?” Either way, the events that have unfolded in Arakan State since conflict erupted in June 2012 are a tragedy, and widespread allegations have circulated regarding severe human rights abuses committed by Burma’s securit...

Nazi regime Military Shipment to Burma

NOVANEWS Israel Urged to Suspend Military Shipment to Burma Min Aung Hlaing toured a naval base and defense manufacturers in Israel in Sept. 2015 during a goodwill tour alongside senior military brass. By SAW YAN NAING  Human rights activists and lawyers in Israel have urged the Ministry of Defense to nullify or suspend a military shipment ordered by the Burma Army, stating that the country still commits human rights abuses against minority groups. They wrote to Racheli Chen, head of the Israeli Ministry of Defense’s export control department, and called for a review of all defense export licenses purchased by the Burma Army under the authority granted to her in Clause 9 of the 2007 law on defense export control. “It is surprising that the State of Israel, while struggling for c...